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Evolution of brands

Prodcut Brands

Traditional marketing has been based on brands created through a clear product differentiation called unique selling proposition (USP), often rooted in scientific or technological superiority. These brands typically targeted broad sociodemographic segments.


However, this approach has lost its dominance due to the difficulty in differentiating solely through product features and the lack of genuine emotional connection with consumers. This has led to an evolution towards emotional brands.

Emotional Brands

Today, emotional marketing drives many brands. They focus on a deep truth, attitudinal segmentations, and human insights to build positioning and emotional benefits, not just product features. 


This emotional dimension fuels brand equity and business potential, while product innovation remains important. These brands, often with large budgets for mass media and idealised imagery, are now evolving towards transformative brands.


Transformative Brands

Over the past few years, transformative brands have gained prominence, emerging from economic crises, a rejection of idealised brand images, and a desire for authenticity and creativity.


These inspiring and creative brands encourage us to improve our lives and the world, while also exceeding business expectations. They lead in innovation, providing sustainable value and elevating human emotions through the creative integration of mass and digital media. By leveraging technology, they build communities with whom they can share and create.

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